Pavel Šťastný image

Front-end developer


React Enthusiast

I'm passionate Front-end developer, mainly focused on developing React/Typescript applications.

Quality oriented

My main goal is to create a great user experience and make the apps accessible, efficient, and user-friendly.


I write clean, readable, and maintainable code that adheres to the best industry standards.

Continuous learner

I'm always learning and keeping up with the latest technologies and trends to make sure my work stays current.

My tech stack

Main stack
Worked with
Other interests and tools


  1. Front-end developer, YunexTraffic s.r.o.

    05/2022 – present

    Developing web apps and React components as part of the FE/UX team using React, Typescript etc. Lead UI library developement, and boost code quality in legacy projects through linting, refactoring, and code reviews, all while improving overall user experience with performance in mind.

  2. Web Developer, Papirfly

    07/2021 – 04/202

    Develop web applications and websites for clients using JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, CSS (SASS) etc. As the sole front-end developer, I built a single-page application (SPA) using vanilla JavaScript, class-based components, SCSS styles, and REST API integration.

  3. Software tester, TwinSoft s.r.o

    11/2017 – 07/2021

    Manual and automated testing of a web application, including SQL database interaction. Enhanced the app's UX through valuable feedback.


In this section, you can take a look at some of my projects. Some of them are practice projects, while others can be considered 100% functional as intended. Some are older and may show signs of age. I can't actively update all of them, but they reflect part of my journey.

Image of application: BANG! Score Calculator

BANG! Score Calculator

This is a calculator for score in board game BANG!. "Bang! is a Wild West-themed social deduction card game designed by Emiliano Sciarra and released in 2002. The scoring system is taken from the Official tournament system. At the end of each game, each player gains an amount of points based on the results of the game. It is not important who eliminated a specific player.

Technologies: React, Bootstrap.
Image of application: Cesťáky


Web application in which you can calculate travel costs based on the data you enter, such as starting position and finishing position, price per km, etc. The application is created using react and firebase. MapBox directions API is used to calculate the distance. MapBox geocoding API is used to get the addresses.

Technologies: React, Mantine, Firebase.